I have been loved by God from eternity. He has known that I would be, determining it better that I should exist than not, and this not just from before my lifetime, but from before there was any such thing that we could meaningfully call "time" (as the term has no meaning without creatures who experience it).
The idea that he will love me always does not capture the fullness of the security I have in him. It's much more than that.
I have already been loved from eternity and unto eternity.
God, who lives in all times simultaneously taking in every action in all its dimensions in a single cognitive sweep, has loved me through everything I will experience, every doubt I will engage and every challenge I will encounter. This is the reality that Romans 8:38-39 is describing:
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This is not causality or predestination. This is our God who loves us without past or future, to whom everything is eternally present. Every experience has been fully actualized to God along with his love from eternity and to eternity. One has not pre-existed the other; one has not caused the other. They have existed in a relationship of simulaneity from eternity. It cannot be different because it's already happened. It cannot be different or God would cease to be God. God is loving me, right now, this moment particularly, for all of eternity. He is eternally loving me as an act of his interminable will, fully aware of what it's cost him.
How would today be different for me if I believed this?
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