Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Your Agenda, or His?

Who made the heaven and earth, the seas and all that is in them;
who keeps his promise forever;
Who gives justice to those who are oppressed,
and food to those who hunger.
YHWH sets the prisoners free;
YHWH opens the eyes of the blind;
YHWH lifts up those who are bowed down;
YHWH loves the righteous;
YHWH cares for the stranger;
he sustains the orphan and the widow,
but frustrates the way of the wicked.
- Psalm 146:5-8 (BCP)

Honestly, I have no idea how we read our bibles and walk away with our priorities so screwed up.

This is going to seem like a rabbit trail, but hang in there with me for a minute.

There is an extrodinary passage in Josephus' autobiography (chapter 110), in which Josephus describes a moment when he was being sent from Jerusalem to Galilee (AD 66 or so) to confront one of the brigand leaders of the day (confusingly, called Jesus of Galilee...there are 17 men named Jesus in the index of the book). He doesn't want this Jesus to continue with his voilent resistance, but instead adopt a more diplomatic path. Here's what he says to him in Greek:

metanohsin kai pistoß emoi genhsesqai
metanoesin kai pistos emoi genesesthai
Lit: "repent and believe in me".

In context in means, "give up your agenda and trust me for mine." This is what this phrase meant in AD 66.

Jesus is the light in the darkness of religion. It's time to drop our agendas and trust him for his. It's time to drop our culturally-based prejudices and trust the whole biblical witness for its priorities.

So, that said, how about a quick poll? How many times are following mentioned in the bible?

Homosexuality: 3
Justice: over 2100

Holding Correct Doctrine: 3
Caring for the Poor, the Widow and the Orphan: 290

Fixing People: 0
Grace: 175

Our Right to Judge Anyone: 0
Mercy: 129

Creating Exclusive Culture Clubs: 0
Including those who don't have all the right identity markers: 86

At the end of Luke 12 Jesus draws out a metaphor for the coming of the Kingdom. He likens it to a storm gathering on the horizon, and asks his audience if, seeing what's coming they can't "judge for themselves what is right"?

Knowing the priorities of scripture, make up your mind as to what is right.

Or, as Augustine puts it, "Love God and do as you please."

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