Monday, December 13, 2010
Acts of Sabotage

Monday, November 22, 2010
The Radical Middle

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
One Obligation

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Traitors and Porn Stars

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Mustard Seed Messiah

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
A Fair Wage

Friday, October 22, 2010
Don't Drink it...

- Forgiveness is a transaction between two people, not a one-sided personal legal fiction.
- Forgiveness is a process culminating in redemption.
- Forgiveness is not for the one who sinned against us; it's God's gift to us, the sinned-against.
- Go and point out the injury in a clear way that respects the bond between you.
- If that doesn't resolve it, involve a couple more people in a sort of mediation relationship. Sometimes an offense between two people can make it hard to resolve the issue; bringing in another person or two who know and love you both can be critical in overcoming jadedness that keeps people apart.
- If that doesn't work, then more radical action is required. Obviously, in 2010 standing up in front of the entire church and airing dirty laundry isn't appropriate or helpful. That will probably drive you further apart. I think the passage assumes that the person has continued to sin against you, in which case we do what Paul recommends (with this teaching in mind I'm sure) in 1 Cor 6: take it before a spiritual authority, be that a pastor, home group leader or an elder. Importantly, the point is reconciliation, not humiliation or payback.
- If that doesn't work, then the person has clearly chosen a broken relationship with you. You cannot share a forgiveness transaction with a person who is unrepentant. Not even God can do that. Verses 18-20 provide the clue: they are eschatological in nature. The point is that there is a heavenly dimension to earthly actions; what we do here has eternal implications. The unrepentant person now stands liable for judgment by God since he/she has chosen broken relationship with the one he/she has sinned against.
Monday, October 11, 2010
New Cloaks and New Wineskins

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
scylla and charybdis.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The word “resistance” in the bible is so much more forceful than it is in English. This is interesting when Jesus uses it the gospels (“do not ‘resist’ an evil person…” Matt 5:38; is Jesus warning Israel not to resist Rome?), but it is particularly interesting in the context of our responsibility to resist sin. The fact is, the verb “to resist” (antistenai, antistenai) is almost a technical term for resistance of a military sort (N.T. Wright). When Josephus uses it (just 30 years after the life of Christ) he means “violent struggle” 15 out of 17 times (Wars of the Jews). So, at the very least the word implies a violent struggle rather than passive resistance. Consider James 4.7-10:
Submit yourselves then, to God.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.
Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded
I could write another entire article on the beautiful, essential Jewishness of this short passage, about the way James references the Psalms, Wisdom literature and the prophets all in the space of these few lines. These three verses are positively pregnant with meaning. The verb “resist” in vs. 7 is a conjugate of antistenai; James envisions the people he’s writing to as being engaged in a violent struggle with sin, which is actually comforting considering the mild chewing out he’s just given them in the first three chapters.
This is not supposed to be easy. Struggling with sin, violently resisting it, is not an indication that anything is wrong. On the contrary, the opposite is true: if you’re not struggling, it’s not because you’re better than those who are; it’s likely that you’ve given up.
In the Old Testament, Jacob wrestles with an angel, refusing to let go until the angel gives him a new name, which is another way of asking for a brand new start. Jacob needed that. We usually miss half the point of the story. Jacob walks away with a new name…and a limp. John Wimber, one of the founding Pastors of the Vineyard Family of Churches was thinking of this when he said, “Never trust a leader without a limp.”
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

For some reason or other I’ve had a lot of conversations about hell lately. I don’t know why. It seems to be one of those topics that spring up unexpectedly, like little conversational weeds growing out of the sidewalk. It’s one of those subjects that pastors dread, innocently positing as genuine curiosity what is really a Trojan horse of litmus test of orthodoxy. Worse yet, much of what is so confidently asserted from pulpits or axiomatically lobbed out in TV sound bites has only a passing relationship to what scripture has to say (which is admittedly very little) or what can be inferred rationally by reading between the lines.
Scripture is largely silent on the topic of hell, which seems strange from the standpoint of Christianity’s near-obsession with it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard Christianity presented as little more than a much better alternative to eternal suffering. Love, justice, mercy, grace and free pardon all take a back seat to the necessity of avoiding damnation, which must be done no matter what else you do. When scripture talks about the concept we know as “hell”, it typically uses one of two words as a description:
Gehenna (Josh 15.8, 18.6, 2 Chron 28.3, Is 30.33 [by inference, “the burning place”], 66.24 [cited by Jesus in Mark], Matt 5.22, 5.29, 5.30, 10.28, 18.9, 23.15, 23.33, Mark 9.43, 9.45, 9.47, Luke 12.5, James 3.6) can be used to describe one of several things. As a physical location it refers the Valley of Hinnom (the literal meaning of the Hebrew Ge Hinom) south of Jerusalem, which was reputedly the place where pagans sacrificed their children to Moloch (or whatever other Canaanite god was in vogue at the time). Later the Valley of Hinnom purportedly became a gigantic, smoldering garbage heap. In addition to the ordinary refuse that would have been part and parcel of a 1st century garbage dump, supposedly the unclean dead, those who didn’t warrant life in the “bosom of Abraham” were disposed of here. This would include those unfortunate Jews who died of certain diseases (especially those that resulted in skin disorders or obvious bleeding), execution for serious Torah violation or, heaven forbid, crucifixion by the Romans. You can imagine the horror of a place like this; the stench alone would make the area uninhabitable for miles around. Now imagine that you’re a Jew during that time period. It’s hard enough to maintain an adequate level of ritual purity under ordinary conditions; a Jew would not be permitted to touch even the dead who died pure. Gehenna would be the worst place you could possibly think of. The level of uncleanness would mean eternal separation from God, who could never have been imagined to inhabit a place like Gehenna. Those whose bodies were thrown onto the trash heap were an awful, visible reminder of the stakes of Torah observance. In other words, a person who was careless in terms of Torah might very well have been asked the question, “you don’t want to wind up in Gehenna do you?”
Sheol (Dt 32.22, Ps 86.13, Gen 37.35, 42.38, 44.29, 44.31, 1 Sam 2.6, 1 Kg 2.6) is a place of separation from YHWH. It is cold and distant, like the surface of the moon from which extraction is impossible. It is “outer darkness”. This word can also be translated “death” or “the grave”, roughly the equivalent of the Greek concept of Tartarus. No matter what way you translate the word, the strong inference is that Sheol is a place that was never meant for human beings to begin with. It’s a place for the dead, not for YHWH’s vindicated covenant people.
So, right off the bat I think we’re on firm ground both biblically and rationally to say the following:
- Hell is a place of total separation from God, from each other and from God’s creation from which there is no escape. C.S. Lewis was right to say, “I willingly believe that the damned are, in one sense, successful, rebels to the end; that the doors of hell are locked from the inside” (The Problem of Pain, my italics and emphasis).
- Hell was never made for human beings to begin with. An individual who winds up there no longer reflects the image of God in any meaningful way.
The view of hell that is authoritatively asserted, that of a physical locale wherein the damned are tortured in flames, bears little resemblance to scripture’s image. The closest it comes is Gehenna, but one must realize that the point is not rigid literalism; the point is that Gehenna is the worst thing Jesus (or anyone else in 1st Century Judaism) could imagine. If one could pick a place not to spend eternity, that would be it. One might press into service the lake of fire from Revelation 20.15, but that would force the literal interpretation of that one image from the midst what is, by all accounts, a highly figurative (and highly subversive) writing. Consequently the reader would be forced for the sake of consistency to adopt a similarly rigid literalism for the rest of Revelation, which lands you in all sorts of exegetical hot water. No – it’s quite simply the case that the bible doesn’t intend for us to understand hell that way.
The hell that most of us imagine is almost entirely a figment of the medieval cultural imagination, which was itself an outgrowth of the horrors of the Dark Ages, followed closely by the death of much of Europe by plague. Some of the oldest images of hell envision something like a torture chamber in middle of a beautiful castle, where the torments of the damned served as part of the reward for the redeemed. The first detailed literary picture of hell came from The Inferno by Dante Alighieri, written between 1308 and 1321AD. However, The Inferno was not then, and is not now, meant to be understood primarily as a detailed description of what hell might be like; The Inferno is a political diatribe, a polemical argument that took aim at the Italian monarchy, the corrupt church government and the legal system of the 14th century. In terms of its take on punishment, the work is entirely a product of the medieval world-view, wherein when one insulted the honor of the king the consequences did not involve prison terms or community service. They involved horrific torture, then a slow, agonizing death by mutilation or burning in most cases. Furthermore, torture was not then what it is now. No one was tortured or mutilated in order to obtain information (though it was useful in obtaining confessions), nor was torture primarily used as a deterrent to other would-be brigands, rebels or what have you. Torture was a deeply symbolic activity in which the body of the victim was destroyed methodically as a means of robbing them of honor, which was symbolically then restored to the king. The body became so unrecognizable that it was no longer human; that is to say, no longer an object of compassion, and possibly not recognizable in the after life. To put it another way, one received on earth what one could expect in the hereafter. This is the image of hell that was overwhelmingly accepted at the time of the Reformation in 1517AD, and which was consequently received as doctrinal truth from that time forward. The important thing to note is that it is more a function of the culture of that day and age than it is an accurate description of the relevant scriptural and extra-biblical data.
If we take the scriptural data as a whole I think the most accurate description is the one N.T. Wright takes up in Surprised by Hope:
God is utterly committed to set the world right in the end. This doctrine, like that of the resurrection itself, is held firmly in place by the belief in God as creator, on the one side, and the belief in his goodness, on the other. And that setting right must necessarily involve the elimination of all that distorts God’s good and lovely creation and in particular of all that defaces his image-bearing human creatures.
(SbH, N.T. Wright, pg. 179)
When human beings give their heartfelt allegiance to and worship that which is not God, they progressively cease to reflect the image of God. My suggestion is that it is possible for human beings to so continue down this road…that after death they become at last, by their own effective choice, beings that once were human but now are not, creatures that have ceased to bear the divine image at all. With the death of that body in which they inhabited God’s good world, in which the flickering flame of goodness had not been completely snuffed out, they pass simultaneously not only beyond hope but also beyond pity. There is no concentration camp in the beautiful countryside, no torture chamber in the palace of delight. Those creatures that still exist in an ex-human state, no longer reflecting their maker in any meaningful sense, can no longer excite in themselves or others the nature sympathy some feel even for the hardened criminal.
(SbH, N.T. Wright, pg. 183)
I think that description does justice to the texts and preserves intact for all a strong understanding of God’s goodness, his justice and his mercy. In The Problem of Pain C.S. Lewis presents hell as an expression of God’s justice, which is in turn an expression of his love, but when confronted with the idea that God casts his sinful creatures into hell, Lewis reacts strongly. God doesn’t send anyone to hell. We do that all by ourselves, by worshiping what is not him and subsequently becoming like what we worship. In The Great Divorce Lewis says:
There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says in the end, “Thy will be done.” All that are in hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. Those who knock it is opened.
(The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis)
Hell is a state of mind – ye never said a truer word. And every state of mind, left to itself, every shutting up of the creature within the dungeon of its own mind – is, in the end, Hell.
(The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis)
There is one last thing that, as a Pastor, bothers me more than anything else where this subject is concerned. Disturbingly, though the idea of hell should arouse horror in the heart of every Christian, who should desire most ardently of all people that hell were empty, I often notice in them a rather nasty sense of perverse glee when the topic comes up. The evil people, the ones who’ve always caused so much trouble and consternation, will receive their comeuppance. Finally, like schoolyard children we will witness the punishment of the bullies, reveling in their tears while our Father dries ours. The suffering of the damned will be the vindication of the blessed, to say it another way. One must be careful traveling down this road I think, as it is not properly Christian thought at all, but indulgent vindictiveness. If we find ourselves in this state, we must realize that it is not divine justice we seek, but vulgar, self-righteous vengeance. Our Lord impresses upon us the importance of forgiveness for this very reason: that we should not become as evil as those we condemn and so share in their fate, now or in the end.
Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Like us in every way...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Suffer Well

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Simple Intention
Monday, August 23, 2010
Don't Pollute the Headwaters...

First, a summary of what I said: if we get love wrong by attempting to "balance" God's ultimate revelation in Christ with other supposed revelations, divine characteristics or things that seem to compete with it (wrath, judgment and so on), then the gospel will become an evaluative tool, a framework for critical evaluation, a line of demarcation, a moral code or a list of “do’s” and “don’ts”. The gospel will become a line separating the “ins” from the “outs”. The glorious gift will become an impossible standard for self-evaluation, a sadistic means by which we assess whether we’re doing it right or doing it wrong, and we’ll judge everyone else by the same criteria. I said that, as you Pastor, if that's what you're getting out of your bible, then I'm taking your bible away from you because you're missing the point of it, and actually doing more harm than good.
The point of confusion was, since I'd also used passages FROM THE BIBLE in support of my assertion that Jesus is the face of God, the place where all the fullness of deity dwells, the divine Word of God and the revelation that supercedes all previous revelations, how would the person who's missing the point know to think anything differently? It's a good point. I caught myself in a rhetorical catch-22. So, for the sake of clarity, I'd never actually demand that you turn in your bible. What I'm saying is, you might be missing the point of it. Here's why:
Consider the Nile River. Though we usually think about it as an Egyptian body of water, it actually winds its way through nine countries, covering about 4,200 miles from its headwaters at Lake Victoria. The Nile has been one of the centers of civilization since the dawn of recorded history, the life-source of literally billions and billions of people and animals over the last 16,000 years or so. Now, let's say you take a billion tons of arsenic and dump it into Lake Victoria. It stands to reason that absolutely everything downriver, all the way to the Nile Delta in the Mediterranean Sea will probably die. In other words, if you poison the headwaters, everything else is screwed up.
I'm not saying that God is a fluffy marshmallow of love, who cares nothing for us except that we be "happy", whatever that means. I'm not saying that God's reaction to anything and everything we do is approval and joyous acceptance. That would not be love in any meaningful sense of the word; it would be the opposite, actually: apathy. God cannot be said to "love" us while caring nothing for our character or well-being. Conversely we cannot claim to love him while at the same time taking not the slightest notice of anything he says. Please...let's not get stuck on extremes here.
What I am saying is that we musn't follow rules and think that it's the same as loving God. It absolutely isn't. One can follow every single rule in the bible and never actually know or love God for a second (Matthew 25). On the other hand, we musn't engage in a lebertarian free-for-all while calling it "freedom" either. They are not the same thing at all. Don't unecessarily polarize the issue. Don't make it about "heaven" or "hell". Make it about God and what he has actually done in the finished work of the cross. When divinity wants to solve the issue of rebellion it looks like love. When God, who could do anything any way he wanted, wants to address the problem of sin it looks like forgiveness. When there is an infinit price to pay, our God, who has all the resources available in the universe, pays it on our behalf.
What overcomes a multitude of sins? LOVE. (1 Peter 4:8).
What casts out fear of judgment? PERFECT LOVE (1 John 4:18).
Why do have a hope that will never disappoint? Because God has poured LOVE into our hearts (Romans 5:5).
What does it mean to be "prefect" as God is perfect? LOVING COMPREHENSIVELY like he does (Matthew 5:43-48).
What triumphs over judgment? MERCY (James 2:13).
What are we to be rooted and established in? LOVE (Ephesians 3:17b).
What did God do when we were his enemies? He LOVED us in Christ (Romans 5:8).
How do we know that we've passed from life to death? We LOVE one another (1 John 4:14).
Why would God suffer for us? Because he LOVES everything he's created (John 3:16).
What is the ONE ingredient that makes spiritual gifts worth anything? LOVE (1 Corinthians 13).
What is Jesus commandment to us, equated with loving God? LOVING ONE ANOTHER (John 15:17, Matthew 22:37-39).
Love is the headwater from which flows everything else. Wrath, judgment, mercy and justice are all rivers fed by love. We pollute the headwater of love by trying to "balance" it with those other things (as though those things were anything other than expressions of love). Mercy without love becomes and arrogant and condescending "reaching down" instead of "reaching out". Justice is self-serving sectarianism without love. Wrath and judgment divorced from love are evil in the extreme. Trying to follow God without being rooted and established in love, which is the revelation of Christ in our hearts, is an exercise of empty rule-keeping and cruel, critical evaluation of self and others. It's as far removed from the point of the gospel as could possibly be.
I'll retract part of what I said yesterday. Don't put your bibles down...yet. Think about what you're doing with them though. Don't for a moment think that the enemy can't get at you from the pages of your bible. If when you read your bible you come away feeling like you're doing everything wrong, STOP. You don't have the LOVE part right yet. You don't understand yet the way God loves you, that everything he has done, is doing now and will do is motivated by love that can never stop while God remains God. Reconciliation, repentance, regeneration and restoration are all the result of drowning yourself in the headwaters of LOVE.
My job as your Pastor may be to hold your head under the water a little longer.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Contract vs. Covenant

Thursday, July 29, 2010
God as he is